Update Your Contacts! - Changes to Staff & Student Email Accounts

Update Your Contacts! - Changes to Staff & Student Email Accounts

To better align the Lamoille North school community, and improve communication between our parents/caregivers and Lamoille North teachers and staff, all school-based Google accounts are currently being transitioned into a single system.

This means the email addresses for all Lamoille North employees and students are being updated to @lnsd.org.  This includes teachers, staff members, and students at all Lamoille North schools except for Greem Mountain Technology & Career Center which will remain @gmtcc.net.

This change will ensure a more seamless transition from one school to another for our students, will improve student data management, and will allow for better collaboration across our school district.

While any emails sent to old email addresses will be automatically forwarded to new accounts, parents, caregivers, and families are asked to please update any Lamoille North email contacts they may have saved.

Students will have access to their new @lnsd.org emails and accounts on the first day of school.  If they need access sooner or have questions, contact the Lamoille North IT department at their specific school.

This Google transition is being completed the week of July 31st and the change-over may result in slower response times from Lamoille North staff members.  The work is set to be completed by the end of the week.

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